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Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNA1T)

Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNA1T)


Vespa 125 (VNA1/VNA2)

With the Vespa 125 of 1958 (VNA) the era of the Largeframe models begins. The most striking feature is the disappearance of the flap in the passage under the seat. Overall, the frame is not only narrower, but also much lighter. Thanks to the new production process, the body is now made from two half-shells of sheet metal. The front fender is also made from two parts and welded in the middle. These are characteristic features that can now be found on the Vespa.

Also the engine is much more compact, because the swing arm is integrated into the body. Other details, such as the kick starter mechanism and switch box are to prove to be groundbreaking innovations. On the VNA the steering head is split and after removing the upper steering head cover all operating elements are freely accessible. A quite practical solution, especially as neither speedometer nor speedometer shaft are in the way, as these are not yet part of the standard equipment. The brake drums are made of aluminium and have a cast-iron inner ring and the moped comes with 8-inch tyres. As standard the vehicles are delivered with single caliper and luggage rack. The caliper cover is dark green, the Vespa lettering on the leg shield is dark blue.

The vehicles with the frame code VNA1 were delivered in grey (MaxMeyer Code 15046). With the frame code VNA2 was changed to a light beige (MaxMeyer 15099).

Frame numbers VNA1 by year of manufacture:
1957: VNA1T 1001-10300
1958: VNA1T 10301-68031

Original paint VNA1 (MaxMeyer)

PIA513 (15046)
Grigio 15046
Grigio (Antiruggine)
PIA8012M (8012M)
Grigio (Antiruggine)
Mounting parts:
PIA513 (15046)
Grigio 15046
Flywheel cover:
PIA983 (1.268.0983)
Véhicule (généralités)
Modèle: Vespa 125 (VNA1T)
Année/s de production: 1957, 1958
N° de châssis: VNA1T
Production: 67031
Véhicule dimensions
Longueur: 1735 mm
Largeur: 655 mm
Hauteur: 985 mm
Hauteur du marchepied: 130 mm
Distance entre les axes de roues: 1180 mm
Capacité réservoir d'essence: 7.7 l
Réserve incl. (essence): 1.4 l
Poids (en ordre de marche): 87 kg
Véhicule roues
Roue avant: 3.50 - 8
Roue arrière: 3.50 - 8
Jante avant: 2.15 - 8
Jante arrière: 2.15 - 8
Véhicule freins
Type de frein avant: frein a tambour
Actionnement de frein avant: mécanique par câbles
Ø avant: 125 mm
Type de frein arrière: frein a tambour
Actionnement de frein arrière: mécanique par câbles
Ø arrière: 127 mm
Véhicule moteur
Cylindrée: 123.7 cm³
Course: 54 mm
Alésage: 54 mm
Type de moteur: 2 temps
Nombre de cylindres: 1
Type de refroidissement: par aire
Puissance (kW): 3.31 kW
Puissance (ch): 4.5
Régime max. de rotation (puissance max.): 5000
Compression: 1:6.5
Carburation: carburateur
Carburateur: Dell'Orto UA 16S1, Dell'Orto UB 16S1
Démarreur: kick
Embrayage: manuel
Fabricant du moteur: Piaggio
Vitesse max.: 75 km/h
Type de moteur: 2 temps
Norme d'emissions: sans
Véhicule moteur - allumage
Type d'allumage: avec rupteur
Avance à l'allumage: 28
Écartement des contacts: 0.4 mm
Tension: 6 V
Bougie: (NGK) B7HS
Véhicule moteur - boîte de vitesses
Boîte de vitesses: manuelle
Nombre de vitesses: 3
Rapport transmission primaire - 1:: 3.045
Rapport 1re vitesse - 1:: 4
Rapport 2e vitesse - 1:: 2.5
Rapport 3e vitesse - 1:: 1.593
Rapport total - 1:: 4.85
Véhicule fluides
Carburant: Super (ROZ 95)
Mélange: 1:25
Huile de transmission: SAE30
Quantité huile de transmission: 0.25 l
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Vespa 125 (VNA1/VNA2) With the Vespa 125 of 1958 (VNA) the era of the Largeframe models...Lire la suite

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