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Lambretta (Innocenti) SX 200 (X 200 Special)

Lambretta (Innocenti) SX 200 (X 200 Special)


Lambretta SX 200
Series 3

The Lambretta Special X is derived from the Special and TV models. The TV (GT) 200 was superseded by the SX 200, while the SX 150 replaced the 150 Special. The exciting and timeless shape of the bodywork was mainly retained. The main difference between the SX 150 and the Special was the colour scheme. The silver paint is replaced by off-white or apple green (which apparently was not in great demand). In addition the SX 150 features a chromed mudguard crest and a polished horn grille. Both SX 150 and 200 have a large “X” plus the respective capacity stated over the Special badge on the legshields. The rear frame badge not reads “Innocenti” on both models.

Contrary to the SX 150, the SX 200 is easy to be distinguished from its predecessor. The colour used is Bianco Nuovo again, however the side-panels were redesigned and now boast large flashes from polishes alloy with a “200” cast on. The dynamic appeal is unequalled the SX 200 panels are probably the fastest looking side-panels of all times. Further to that, a longer lickstart was used which is unique to the SX 200.

The catching slogan “Give yourself SX-appeal” perfectly suits these beautiful scooters and underlines the potential of the SX. Another clear statement was the new speed facias reading up to 120 kph at the 150 and 140 kph at the 200.

Towards the end of the production the side-panel handles were replaced by steel clips under the panels, the same system to be used by the later DL. Also, the steel toolbox was replaced by a plastic item and the rectangular Innocenti badge superseded the previous shield. The last models of the SX 200 had the wheel-rims and brake-drums painted silver.

In January 1969 the production of the SX 200 was stopped with 20.783 scooters made.


Production period:
Production code:
1st frame no.:
SX 200
200 cc


SX 200 – 1st version
(October 1966 until beginning of 1968)

Painted toolbox made from steel, screw-in forklink buffers.


SX 200 – 2nd version
(beginning of 1968 until autumn 1968)

Rectangular horncasting badge, unpainted plastic toolbox, clip-on forklink buffers.


SX 200 – 3rd version
(autumn 1968 until winter 1968)

Other colours, all M8 nuts now have 13mm spanner size.


Original paint (Lechler)

Bianco Nuovo


Véhicule (généralités)
Modèle: SX 200 (X 200 Special)
Année/s de production: 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969
N° de châssis: SX200
Production: 20783
Couleurs: bianco nuovo (8059)
Véhicule dimensions
Longueur: 1800 mm
Largeur: 700 mm
Hauteur: 1035 mm
Hauteur de la selle: 785 mm
Hauteur du marchepied: 165 mm
Distance entre les axes de roues: 1290 mm
Capacité réservoir d'essence: 9 l
Réserve incl. (essence): 0.75 l
Poids (à vide): 110 kg
Poids (en ordre de marche): 123 kg
Poids (max.): 260 kg
Véhicule roues
Roue avant: 3.50 - 10
Roue arrière: 3.50 - 10
Jante avant: 2.15 - 10
Jante arrière: 2.15 - 10
Véhicule freins
Type de frein avant: frein à disque
Actionnement de frein avant: mécanique par câbles
Ø avant: 169 mm
Type de frein arrière: frein a tambour
Actionnement de frein arrière: mécanique par câbles
Ø arrière: 150 mm
Véhicule suspension
Type de suspension avant: amortisseur et ressort séparés, fourche, suspension à roue tirée
Type de suspension arrière: combiné ressort/amortisseur
Véhicule moteur
Cylindrée: 198 cm³
Course: 58 mm
Alésage: 66 mm
Type de moteur: 2 temps
Nombre de cylindres: 1
Type de refroidissement: par aire
Puissance (kW): 8.09 kW
Puissance (ch): 11
Régime max. de rotation (puissance max.): 5500
Compression: 1:7
Carburation: carburateur
Carburateur: Dell'Orto SH1/20
Démarreur: kick
Embrayage: manuel
Fabricant du moteur: Innocenti
Vitesse max.: 107 km/h
Type de moteur: 2 temps
Norme d'emissions: sans
Véhicule moteur - allumage
Type d'allumage: avec rupteur
Avance à l'allumage: 23
Écartement des contacts: 0.4 mm
Puissance (éclairage): 30 W
Tension: 6 V
Bougie: (NGK) B7ES
Véhicule moteur - boîte de vitesses
Boîte de vitesses: manuelle
Nombre de vitesses: 4
Rapport transmission primaire - 1:: 3.0666
Rapport 1re vitesse - 1:: 4.083
Rapport 2e vitesse - 1:: 2.857
Rapport 3e vitesse - 1:: 2.056
Rapport 4e vitesse - 1:: 1.571
Rapport total - 1:: 4.819
Véhicule fluides
Carburant: Super (ROZ 95)
Mélange: 1:25
Huile de transmission: SAE80
Quantité huile de transmission: 0.7 l
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