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Lambretta (Innocenti) LD 125 (1957)

Lambretta (Innocenti) LD 125 (1957)


Lambretta D & LD 125

In December 1951 Innocenti introduced the 125 Model D, which featured a newly designed frame and a greatly improved chassis. Tank, toolbox and saddle were continued without changes. Overall, the D was basically an improved model C, also the appearance was very close to that of its predecessor.

The engine however was reworked and equipped with a new, larger Dell'Orto MA 18 carburettor. The three-speed gearbox is still hand-operated by Teleflex cable, but power output is improved to 5 hp and nearly 80kph top speed.

Brake performance is also improved by the introduction of cooling fins on the brake drums. The first D models still had the rear-brake operated by a rod-linkage like the Model C, while this was later superseded by a cable. The front suspension is now integrated into the forks, a system Innocenti used right up to the DL. At the rear, a torsion bar takes care of the suspension.

Production period:
Production code:
1st frame no..:
125 LD
125 cc


Production period:
Production code:
1st frame no..:
125 LD (Elestart)
125 cc


125 D & LD – 1st version

Alloy handlebars, electric system without battery and rectifier, 14mm gudgeon pin, round junction box beside the flywheel, exhaust with chromed silencer.


125 D & LD – 2nd version

Electric system with battery and rectifier, exhaust with chromed silencer, altered fitting for rear damper, LD only: sand-coloured plastic grilles in side-panels.


125 D & LD – 3rd version

Exhaust without chromed silencer, but with two large inspection bolts, 16mm gudgeon pin, additional oil drilling at the main shaft, rectangular junction box beside the flywheel, cables with grease-nipples at the headset, additional screw at the rear-wheel nut (lefthand- thread). LD only: rubber buffers for side-panels, larger handles at side-panels, chromed side-panel grilles.


Original paint (Lechler)

Verde Olivia
Beige Sabbia
Camoscio Chiaro
Véhicule (généralités)
Modèle: LD 125 (1957)
Année/s de production: 1957, 1958
N° de châssis: 125LD
Production: 44665
Couleurs: grigio landa (8041)
Véhicule dimensions
Longueur: 1770 mm
Largeur: 740 mm
Hauteur: 960 mm
Hauteur de la selle: 760 mm
Hauteur du marchepied: 110 mm
Distance entre les axes de roues: 1281 mm
Poids (à vide): 86 kg
Véhicule roues
Roue avant: 4.00 - 8
Roue arrière: 4.00 - 8
Jante avant: 2.50 - 8
Jante arrière: 2.50 - 8
Véhicule freins
Type de frein avant: frein a tambour
Actionnement de frein avant: mécanique par câbles
Type de frein arrière: frein a tambour
Actionnement de frein arrière: mécanique par câbles
Véhicule suspension
Type de suspension avant: fourche, suspension à roue tirée, uniquement ressort
Type de suspension arrière: ressort de torsion
Véhicule moteur
Cylindrée: 123 cm³
Course: 58 mm
Alésage: 52 mm
Type de moteur: 2 temps
Nombre de cylindres: 1
Type de refroidissement: par aire
Puissance (kW): 3.84 kW
Puissance (ch): 5.2
Régime max. de rotation (puissance max.): 4750
Compression: 1:6.5
Carburation: carburateur
Carburateur: Dell'Orto MA18 B4
Démarreur: kick
Embrayage: manuel
Fabricant du moteur: Innocenti
Vitesse max.: 78 km/h
Type de moteur: 2 temps
Norme d'emissions: sans
Véhicule moteur - allumage
Type d'allumage: avec rupteur
Avance à l'allumage: 25
Écartement des contacts: 0.45 mm
Puissance (éclairage): 30 W
Tension: 6 V
Bougie: (NGK) B8HS
Véhicule moteur - boîte de vitesses
Boîte de vitesses: manuelle
Nombre de vitesses: 3
Véhicule fluides
Carburant: Super (ROZ 95)
Mélange: 1:25
Huile de transmission: SAE50
Quantité huile de transmission: 0.5 l
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Lambretta D & LD 125 In December 1951 Innocenti introduced the 125 Model D, which featured a...Lire la suite
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