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Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNB6T)

Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNB6T)


Vespa 125 (VNB3-VNB6)

Whoever says VNB2T will also say VNB3T. Piaggio did this in 1962 and presented a successor that had not changed under the hood. The changes were mainly cosmetic, so many features of the 150cc models are included. The handlebar head is now no longer divisible and is made of cast aluminium with a receptacle for the small, square speedometer, as known from the previous model. However, the diameter of the headlamp increases to 115 mm. The brake pedal is the same as on the 150, made of highly polished aluminium with a black brake pedal rubber.

The Vespa lettering and caliper are in a dark blue. The rear light is no longer painted but chrome-plated. Instead of the baseboards on the centre tunnel, the mat is now fitted with side trims. The front fender is shaped a little bit different than on the previous model and now has beading on the sides. The leg shield is beaded with an aluminium slotted tube.

With the VNB4T, also introduced in 1962, not so much changes. The proven engine is kept and also the frame changes only in the area of the license plate mounting, here the frame is now square. The scooter is delivered in a light grey (MaxMeyer 1.298.8707). The wheelbase is 2 cm shorter. The rear brake pads are now no longer attached overlapping to one bolt, but have two bolts. The side hoods are now upgraded with trim strips.

1963 the VNB5T is the first engine with a 4-speed transmission. The overall transmission ratio remained the same, but the gearbox was more closely stepped.

With the VNB6T only minor changes are made from 1964. For example, the nuts of the wheel mounting studs were reinforced (from 8 to 10 mm). In addition, the wheel nuts no longer have a welded joint. The tail light is that of the Super. From a technical point of view the compression of the 4-speed engine is increased from 7.2:1 to 7.7:1. This increases the power from 4.6 to 5.12 hp.

Frame numbers VNB6 by year of manufacture:

1964: VNB6T 1001-7455
1965: VNB6T 7456-35439
1966: VNB6T 35440-37028

Original paint VNB6 (MaxMeyer)

Azzurro Chiaro
PIA400 (1.298.7400)
Azzurro Chiaro 400
Nocciola (Antiruggine)
PIA3000M (3000M)
Nocciola 3000M
Mounting parts:
PIA983 (1.268.0983)
Veicolo (generale)
denominazione: Vespa 125 (VNB6T)
anno di costruzione: 1964, 1965, 1966
numero telaio: VNB6T
numero esemplari prodotti: 36028
Veicolo dimensioni
lunghezza: 1725 mm
larghezza: 655 mm
altezza: 985 mm
altezza dal suolo: 160 mm
interasse: 1180 mm
capacità serbatoio benzina: 7.7 l
di cui riserva (benzina): 1.4 l
peso (a vuoto): 92 kg
peso (max): 270 kg
Veicolo ruote
pneumatico anteriore: 3.50 - 8
pneumatico posteriore: 3.50 - 8
cerchio ruota anteriore: 2.15 - 8
cerchio ruota posteriore: 2.15 - 8
Veicolo freni
tipo freno anteriore: freno a tamburo
azionamento freno anteriore: meccanico con cavo
Ø anteriore: 125 mm
tipo freno posteriore: freno a tamburo
azionamento freno posteriore: meccanico con cavo
Ø posteriore: 127 mm
Veicolo motore
cilindrata: 123.4 cm³
corsa: 57 mm
alesaggio: 52.5 mm
tipo di motore: 2 tempi
numero cilindri: 1
tipo di raffreddamento: ad aria
potenza (kW): 3.75 kW
potenza (CV): 5.1
giri/min (P max): 5000
rapporto di compressione: 1:7.7
preparazione miscela: carburatore
carburatore: Dell'Orto SI 20/15C, Dell'Orto SI 20/15D
avviamento: leva avviamento
frizione: manuale
marca motore: Piaggio
velocità massima: 78 km/h
tipo motore: 2 tempi
normativa emissioni: nessuna
Veicolo motore - accensione
tipo di accensione: accensione a puntine
anticipo accensione: 26
distanza contatti: 0.4 mm
potenza (luce): 30 W
tensione: 6 V
Veicolo motore - ingranaggi cambio
tipo cambio: manuale
numero marce: 4
rapportatura primaria - 1:: 3.045
rapportatura 1a marcia - 1:: 4.385
rapportatura 2a marcia - 1:: 3.059
rapportatura 3a marcia - 1:: 2.182
rapportatura 4a marcia - 1:: 1.593
rapportatura totale - 1:: 4.85
Fahrzeug Betriebsstoffe
carburante: Super (ROZ 95)
rapporto miscela: 1:50
olio ingranaggi: SAE30
quantità olio ingranaggi: 0.25 l
I clienti cercavano in alternativa
Vespa 125 (VNB3-VNB6) Whoever says VNB2T will also say VNB3T . Piaggio did this in 1962 and...Continua a leggere

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