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Lambretta (Innocenti) LI 125 (serie 1)

Lambretta (Innocenti) LI 125 (serie 1)


Lambretta Li 125
Series 1

On 10 April 1975 the first Lambretta TV “Tourismo Veloce” was revealed to the public. The new scooter was squarely aimed at the Vespa GS 150, which had been a groundbreaking success for Piaggio. The Tourismo Veloce was definitely a huge step forward for Innocenti, both in terms of styling as well as performance. Contrary to previous models, the front mudguard was fixed to the bodywork and did no longer turn with the front wheel. The newly designed side-panels had air intakes to aid cooling and the rear running boards continued the floating lines of the scooter. The headlight was mounted in the horncasting as with the Model D. A real gem was the rear light with its red centre piece surrounded by two orange brake lights. A 120 kph speedometer was fitted as standard, as well as the adjuster thumb-screws in the levers, which unfortunately disappeared during the production run. New, larger 10 inch wheels offered better roadholding and increased comfort. Also the suspension with springs integrated in the forks and a rear shock absorber led the way for all subsequent Lambrettas. Besides, the TV was the first Lambretta with additional dampers at the front as standard. The rear shock could be taken off easily to lower the engine to gain access to the cylinder.

This was necessary as the engine was a completely new design with a horizontal cylinder instead of an upright standing one. The engine with a capacity of 170cc and a power output of 8,6 or 9,0 hp (depending on the source of information) provided superior acceleration and a remarkable top speed of 102 kph. Both the carburettor with its 23 mm diameter and the crank with its 60mm stroke opened up new dimension for Innocenti. Also the transmission was a completely new design as it replaced the driving shaft with a duplex chain. The TV had an air intake through the frame (hence the name “framebreather”) and floor mats instead of ribs. The exhaust was held by a large ring nut which was dropped at all later models. All rubber parts and cables were coloured grey, apart from the stand feet and the kickstart rubber, which were black - probably just to act as the proverbial exception from the rule.

Production period:
Production code:
1st frame no.:
Li 125
125 cc


Li series 1 – 1st version
(April 1958 until September 1958)

The air intake is through the grille behind the passenger seat and through the frame. The air filter is a wire mesh. The chain tensioner in the engine is not adjustable. The very first LI 150 models have TV side-panels with air intakes. The front saddle has no catch. The first LI 125 models have neither steering lock nor legshield-rubbers.


Li series 1 – 2nd version
(September 1958 until December 1958)

The air filter receives a paper- inlay. The front saddle has a catch, the chain tensioner is now adjustable.


Original paint (Lechler)

Grigio Chiaro
8019 (*2)
Grigio Accaio Scuro
8040 (*3)

(*2) = two tone scheme, frame colour
(*3) = two tone scheme, side panel colour


Veicolo (generale)
denominazione: LI 125 (serie 1)
anno di costruzione: 1958, 1959
numero telaio: 125LI
numero esemplari prodotti: 47747
colori: grigio acciaio scuro (8040), grigio albo (8019)
Veicolo dimensioni
lunghezza: 1825 mm
larghezza: 710 mm
altezza: 1038 mm
altezza seduta: 785 mm
altezza dal suolo: 165 mm
interasse: 1290 mm
capacità serbatoio benzina: 8.5 l
di cui riserva (benzina): 0.75 l
peso (a vuoto): 105 kg
peso (in ordine di marcia): 118 kg
peso (max): 260 kg
Veicolo ruote
pneumatico anteriore: 3.50 - 10
pneumatico posteriore: 3.50 - 10
cerchio ruota anteriore: 2.15 - 10
cerchio ruota posteriore: 2.15 - 10
Veicolo freni
tipo freno anteriore: freno a tamburo
azionamento freno anteriore: meccanico con cavo
Ø anteriore: 150 mm
tipo freno posteriore: freno a tamburo
azionamento freno posteriore: meccanico con cavo
Ø posteriore: 150 mm
Veicolo sospensione
tipo sospensione anteriore: forcella trailing link, solo molla
tipo sospensione posteriore: ammortizzatore
Veicolo motore
cilindrata: 123 cm³
corsa: 58 mm
alesaggio: 52 mm
tipo di motore: 2 tempi
numero cilindri: 1
tipo di raffreddamento: ad aria
potenza (kW): 3.82 kW
potenza (CV): 5.2
giri/min (P max): 5200
rapporto di compressione: 1:7
preparazione miscela: carburatore
carburatore: Dell'Orto MA18 BS5
avviamento: leva avviamento
frizione: manuale
marca motore: Innocenti
velocità massima: 79.5 km/h
tipo motore: 2 tempi
normativa emissioni: nessuna
Veicolo motore - accensione
tipo di accensione: accensione a puntine
anticipo accensione: 23
distanza contatti: 0.45 mm
potenza (luce): 30 W
tensione: 6 V
candela: (NGK) B8ES
Veicolo motore - ingranaggi cambio
tipo cambio: manuale
numero marce: 4
rapportatura primaria - 1:: 3.0666
rapportatura 1a marcia - 1:: 5.666
rapportatura 2a marcia - 1:: 3.5
rapportatura 3a marcia - 1:: 2.437
rapportatura 4a marcia - 1:: 1.842
rapportatura totale - 1:: 5.6488
Fahrzeug Betriebsstoffe
carburante: Super (ROZ 95)
rapporto miscela: 1:50
olio ingranaggi: SAE90
quantità olio ingranaggi: 0.7 l
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