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Lambretta (Innocenti) E 125

Lambretta (Innocenti) E 125


Lambretta E & F 125

With its very low sales price, the Model E was meant to offer a cheap step into the world of Lambretta scooters. To keep the cost down, the design was much simplified compared to the model C or D.

The frame is shaped like a C. The tank is mounted underneath the rider's saddle while a toolbox is fitted under the pillion seat. Due to the simple construction of the frame, the model E is quite light, with many parts simply welded directly to the frame rather than bolted on, like the rear-light and the license-plate holder. The legshields are shortened and resemble the shape of the model D.

The completely new engine had a crank that was fitted longitudinally to reduce the complexity of the transmission. To start the engine, neither kickstart nor electric starter were fitted. Instead, the E was started via a pull-string similar to that of a lawn-mower. To ease the starting procedure, the ignition timing could be altered manually to stop the engine from backfiring.

The rear suspension was via torsion bar as used in the model D. The front forks however received a leading link suspension with several c-shaped springs and rubber buffers. As the starting mechanism caused frequent problems, the E was soon superseded by the model F, which featured a more conventional kickstart. This was also available as an accessory for the model E, which needed the floorboards cut to fit one reason why unmodified model Es are rather rare nowadays. Power output of the 125cc engine is similar to that of the model D, so that the lightweight E had very good performance and consumption figures to balance the problems with the starting system. Still the budget models were rather unsuccessful and production ceased after

43.352 model E and 32.701 model F respectively.

125 E
(first batch)

Teleflex cable fitted to the engine by a single stud. Engine no. engraved into the gearbox-cover.

Production period:
Production code:
1st frame no.:
125 E
125 cc


125 E – 1st version
(until mid of production-run)

Retardable ignition by a lever at the crankcase. Toolbox-lid with lock but without clips. Legshields and rear mudguard welded to the frame.


125 E – 2nd version
(from mid until end of production-run)

Flywheel with automatically retarding ignition. Toolbox with lock and clips, legshields and rear mudguard bolted to the frame, front mudguard with additional brackets. The last models made had the exhaust on the righthand-side of the scooter.


Original paint (Lechler)

Verde Oliva
Veicolo (generale)
denominazione: E 125
anno di costruzione: 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956
numero telaio: 125E
numero esemplari prodotti: 42352
colori: verde oliva (8021)
Veicolo dimensioni
lunghezza: 1760 mm
larghezza: 710 mm
altezza: 950 mm
altezza seduta: 760 mm
altezza dal suolo: 130 mm
interasse: 1280 mm
capacità serbatoio benzina: 6 l
di cui riserva (benzina): 0.7 l
peso (a vuoto): 62 kg
Veicolo ruote
pneumatico anteriore: 4.00 - 8
pneumatico posteriore: 4.00 - 8
cerchio ruota anteriore: 2.50 - 8
cerchio ruota posteriore: 2.50 - 8
Veicolo freni
tipo freno anteriore: freno a tamburo
azionamento freno anteriore: meccanico con cavo
Ø anteriore: 125 mm
tipo freno posteriore: freno a tamburo
azionamento freno posteriore: meccanico con cavo
Ø posteriore: 140 mm
Veicolo sospensione
tipo sospensione anteriore: forcella leading link, solo molla
tipo sospensione posteriore: molla a torsione
Veicolo motore
cilindrata: 123 cm³
corsa: 58 mm
alesaggio: 52 mm
tipo di motore: 2 tempi
numero cilindri: 1
tipo di raffreddamento: ad aria
potenza (kW): 2.71 kW
potenza (CV): 3.68
giri/min (P max): 4000
rapporto di compressione: 1:6.3
preparazione miscela: carburatore
carburatore: Dell'Orto MU14 B1
avviamento: a strappo
frizione: manuale
marca motore: Innocenti
velocità massima: 70 km/h
tipo motore: 2 tempi
normativa emissioni: nessuna
Veicolo motore - accensione
tipo di accensione: accensione a puntine
anticipo accensione: 25
distanza contatti: 0.55 mm
potenza (luce): 30 W
tensione: 6 V
candela: (NGK) B8HS
Veicolo motore - ingranaggi cambio
tipo cambio: manuale
numero marce: 3
rapportatura 1a marcia - 1:: 13.4
rapportatura 2a marcia - 1:: 8
rapportatura 3a marcia - 1:: 4.93
Fahrzeug Betriebsstoffe
carburante: Super (ROZ 95)
rapporto miscela: 1:25
olio ingranaggi: SAE50
quantità olio ingranaggi: 0.6 l
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Lambretta E & F 125 With its very low sales price, the Model E was meant to offer a...Continua a leggere

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